Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Haircuts and computers

So this morning when I woke up, my hair was about this long (and yes, I know this is a ridiculously emo picture):

Now it's this long:

I had the hairstylist person hack off about 4 inches. I'm still trying to decide how much I like it this short.

In other news, I'm thinking of getting a Mac so that I can develop my photography and music interests a little more. I've had a lot of people comment on my photography and encourage me to pursue it more, but I'm not sure how much I can do with a PC in this age of digital technology. I might have enough if I save up, but buying a Mac will put me out around $1,500. Still figuring out whether that's a good idea.


Emery Jo said...

Macs are better than oxygen.

And, I LOVE the new hairdoo... gives it a little bounce!

Robert said...

Just a thought... if you have 1.5 grand to spend and want to promote your photography, spend it on photography stuff. I know that it's all hip to like macs and stuff, and Apple commercials have convinced the mindless sheep that PCs are used only by boring old guys, but seriously, you can get Photoshop for Mac and PC and it runs fine on both. You would be better served by having good glass, or lighting (what I want to invest in myself right now), then in a different PC.

Just my two cents.