Friday, September 7, 2007

Life in Sacramento

I don't know why, but it seems like there is always something going wrong in life. Even when you cover all your bases and plan things to the smallest detail, something manages to go awry. The funny thing is that I used to think that I alone led a super-hectic and tragic life while everyone else seemed to have a charmed existence with none of the difficulties I faced. Lately, however, I've come to realize that things go wrong for everyone. It seems like life is less about avoiding the mistakes and unexpected glitches and more about how you deal with them.
Thus, I've made a decision this school year to stop letting the unexpected "tragedies" rule my life. Instead, I've agreed with God and myself that I am going to push through, be committed, and get things done no matter what life throws my way. I know that financial aid will never get me my check on time, my computer will always do something unexpected, and there will always be some little drama from either my friends, family, or colleagues. But I shouldn't have to rely on other people in order to maintain my character and stay on top of my commitments, and I'm not going to anymore. I hope that whoever reads this will help keep me accountable to not make excuses based on the unexpected.

In other news....fall is coming! I can't wait to see all the leaves change color and fall to make the ground a blanket of rich color. I'm so excited about the air becoming crisp and having the chance to don my peacoat and scarves once again. And most of all, I can't wait for that feeling of anticipation that seems to overtake the world when it realizes that the holidays are coming close. Even in a biggish, city, people seem to get a little bit kinder. It makes me feel glad inside just thinking about the excitement the holidays bring.

Autumn is coming!

1 comment:

Emery Jo said...

Yes! This is great- attitude is everything!

And Fall can't come soon enough!!