Saturday, May 10, 2008


I am bored. I have a term paper and half of a thesis to write, and I'm unable to focus because I'm bored. It seems like at this point things should be easier. I mean, this is my fourth and final semester of grad school, and I've been able to get all of my work done before. So why is it that now, when I'm so close to finishing, I can't seem to put my nose to the grindstone and write the papers?

I blame senioritis. The weather is warm, the semester is almost over, and the beautiful beaches of SLO county are beckoning me back to them. I can't wait for this semester to be over so that I can move back down south and spend some time relaxing. Ah, relaxation. Only two more weeks. I can do it...I hope ;)

1 comment:

neverenoughcoffee said...

Yay! You're coming back!!!