Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Amazing Race

My good friend Steven e-mailed me earlier today asking if I would apply to be on The Amazing Race with him.  The funny thing is that I had never even seen the show until I moved in with my new roommate, Laura, who is an Amazing Race addict.  She plans on applying for the show herself sometime in the future. 

My first response to Steven's invitation was to wonder why the heck he would ask me to go on the show with him.  I mean, I'm not very fit, I can't speak any foreign languages, and I can't even operate a manual transmission.  But then I got over myself and decided to apply.  It would be an AMAZING experience, I do love to travel, and I'm pretty competitive. 

So I'm going to apply.  I just finished my application, and I'm going to swing by Steven's sometime this weekend to shoot our little video saying why we should be on the show.  Should be good family fun.  I now have until April to get in shape, learn how to drive a manual transmission, and get familiar with maps....if we get chosen, that is.

Amazing Race, here I come!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Technologically challenged

I've had a Dell laptop for about four years.  This semester, it decided to give me the blue screen of death multiple times, and while it hasn't completely crashed, I got scared enough to go to financial aid and get a loan increase for a new computer.  I recently ordered a macbook pro, which I received in the mail a couple of days ago.  I've been spending the last couple of days familiarizing myself with the interface.  It is waaay different from my old PC.

I was really excited about the new computer because of all the cool things it would let me edit pictures, create amazing blog/website thingies, and record my own music.  The only problem is that I can't seem to figure out the programs.  Garageband seems to pick up a ton of background noise that I didn't know existed, photoshop is a mystery, and iweb is nearly as bad as photoshop.
Macbook Pro 15"

I've signed myself up for a class in using the new OS, Leopard, tomorrow at the Apple store.  I'm hoping that the workshop will help me be able to do all the amazing things I was initially so excited about.  Until then, I'm really enjoying how much faster, lighter, and comfortable this computer is.  It's so nice to be able to surf the web without iTunes freezing up.  Yes, the Mac is heaven :)