Thursday, June 17, 2010


I haven't written lately because my mind's in a million places. It's been difficult to collect my thoughts and come up with something interesting or coherent. Here's what I've been up to:

1. I visited California's central coast, where I hiked, visited friends and family, ate tri-tip, and helped my friend, Shiran, out with her wedding. I'm not sure that I want to be a wedding coordinator again any time in the near future, but I was soooo glad to help Shir out on her special day!

2. I started a website for my photography and put a page on facebook. I've decided that I really want to pursue photography more, both for artistic enrichment and potential income. I have a display up at the Oak Street Place gallery right now as part of the Laurel Underground Arts exhibit. Hooray!

3. The Laurel Farmers Market, of which I am the manager, has finally begun! Last week was our first market, and it was AMAZING, despite the rain. I had a great time, and even got interviewed for the local paper. Read it here.

4. I've been working like a crazy person: Olan Mills, the cafe, Farmers Market, some freelance photography, and church stuff. It's kind of insane, but it keeps me out of trouble ;)

5. I moved into a different mobile home at "the ranch," and I'm patiently waiting here all by my lonesome for Beth, Becky, Ian and Jill to get here. Beth and I are going to be the most amazing of housemates. Yay!

I think that about sums it up for now, at least in terms of what I've been doing. I promise I'll provide something more substantive next time!

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