I know it's been a long time since I've posted, but there are some things that have to get out or they will drive you crazy. Right now is one of those times. I'm currently teaching four classes at Cuesta Community College and working as the assistant manager of Sears Portrait Studio. To top it all off, I'm frantically working to get my thesis done. I have to defend it before the second week of November.
I've moved back to my hometown, and I feel as though I can't go anywhere without seeing a "Yes on 8" sign. This is a very tough issue, because I think that the constitution affords people the right to have freedom of religion, even if that means no religion, and even if that means following a slightly different set of moral guidelines than I would myself. Based on that premise, I have a very difficult time supporting legislation that would effectively mandate that someone abide my my definition of marriage, even though they don't have the same religious beliefs as me. I'm praying and studying on this issue, and as of now I don't feel right voting yes on 8. And honestly, I don't think I ever will.
Right now is definitely a trying time for me. I don't see things eye to eye with a lot of my "small town" Christian friends, and I've been downright offended by some of the politically charged sermons I've heard down here. It's amazing that whenever people talk about Christianity and politics, it's always about the law and never about Jesus.
It's interesting, but when I lived in Sacramento, I never felt judged by other Christians for my differing political beliefs. San Luis Obispo county, though, is a hotbed for the "us vs. them" mentality. Oftentimes, I feel like I have to keep my mouth shut or be lumped in with the "them." It's frustrating, to say the least.
Last night I went to a college group at a church called Agape in San Luis Obispo, and it was really good. It felt great just to fellowship with other believers without having political discussions color everything we said. It was the first safe space I've encountered since moving back down here, and I even ran into one of my students! She squealed and gave me a hug...it was kind of awkward, though, b/c I'm not sure I should be hugging my students...