I can't believe that I only have TWO semesters left until I have a master's degree...it seems almost unreal.
One of the things I most enjoyed doing this summer was spending time taking pictures. While working and going to school, I let photography fall by the wayside a bit, but this summer I got a chance to take pictures at camp, at the fair, and in Utah. I wound up doing three photography sessions, one for my pregnant friend Danielle in Utah, one for my recently engaged friends Cortney and Jason, and one for the lovely Tierney family. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and it was great to see how much enjoyment they got from the pictures I took.
Here is a small sample of this summe
Camp Good News...Josh, our missions man, was demonstrating what life is like in developing countries, such as Indonesia, where people live along a river.
One of my favorite pictures of
Cortney and Jason from the
engagement shoot.
champion market lamb at the California Mid
State Fair....she got $25/lb. for her amazing
market lamb!
The lovely Tierney family :)
(I miss them already)
pregnant) friend Danielle in