Friday, March 14, 2008

A story

In a land far far away, during a magical time called "The 80's," there lived a little girl named Allie. Allie was a happy little girl with nut brown hair who smiled easily. Alli was nearly always happy because there were so many things she liked to do. Allie loved reading books, climbing trees, and playing in the pool with her friends. Most of all, though, she loved riding horses.

Allie would ride every chance she could. When her parents would have bbq's, she would show her riding skills to their friends. When Allie's friends came over to play, she would show them how to ride bareback. When she fed the horses in the evening, Allie would climb up on her favorite horse, Lou. She loved lying down on Lou's back and looking up at the sky, listening to Lou munch contentedly on the alfalfa hay.

These were happy days for Allie. She went to horse shows almost every weekend, waking up before the sun to get to the show in time. Allie's mom would french braid her hair tight, so that no pieces were left sticking out. Then she would spray Allie's braid with Aquanet. Allie's mom said that Aquanet was the best hairspray ever, and Allie believed her. In the 80's, everyone used hairspray and everything Alli's mom said was the gospel truth.

After her mom did her hair, Allie would go out to the barn and get some hay. She put the hay into the feeder inside the horse trailer so that Lou could eat on the way to the show. Then they would load Lou into the horse trailer and drive to the horse show. They always stopped at the AM/PM on the way so that Allie's mom could get some coffee. Allie got hot chocolate, and nearly always burned her tongue because she was so eager to taste its hot, liquid sweetness.

Allie had two best friends, Polly and Jenna. They all went to school together and would play together often. Polly and Jenna didn't have horses, but Allie loved them anyway. She would let them ride her pony, Lucky whenever they wanted. Sometimes Allie would even let them ride Lou, but not too often. Allie loved Lou a lot, even more than she loved Polly and Jenna, but she didn't want them to know it. Lou was Allie's very best friend.

To be continued....

1 comment:

neverenoughcoffee said...

wow, you already have me eager for the next installment....oh aquanet....